Reedy Advisory provides professional investment advice and ongoing portfolio management with expertise across all major asset classes. We are able to help build and maintain a diversified investment portfolio with an asset allocation in line with the client's risk profile. In addition to identifying risk tolerance, our process involves gathering and analysing research from economists, market analysts, research houses and the media. This data is analysed and discussed to formulate investment strategies and to select unique investments appropriate for each client. At Reedy Advisory, we will identify an appropriate tax structure to hold investments. The tax structures that we consider include: Discretionary Trusts, Unit Trusts, Hybrid Trusts, Companies, Self Managed Superannuation Funds, Retail Superannuation Funds and holding assets in the client's own name. The investment products that we might recommend be held within the above tax structures include: Managed Funds, Exchange Traded Funds, Listed Investments Companies, Listed Real Estate Trusts and Separately Managed Accounts. In certain circumstances, we might also recommend the purchase (or sale) of Direct Equities, Direct Bonds and Direct Property.
The asset allocation of the recommended investment products are chosen to provide diversification based on risk appetite. The specific products are chosen based on the quality of the product, reputation of the fund manager, ratings provided by research houses and publications provided by analysts. Investment product selection undergoes a rigorous process with the team at Reedy Advisory considering all of the above factors when recommending a particular investment product.
Whether the client requires advice on a regular savings plan, investing the proceeds from an inheritance, investing the proceeds of savings or require expert advice on superannuation investments – Reedy Advisory are able to establish and maintain an investment portfolio tailored to each client's personal requirements.